Clear Technology
Simplicity is the key to developing new routines
Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design.
Clean water is essential to everyone’s well-being.
Our founder, Roger Cabbage, began looking for solutions to waterborne illness in 2011. Roger could not find a solution designed for developing nations that was properly field-tested and costs under 10% of a family’s annual income.
The need was real.
In 2018, we set out to develop an effective, durable, and affordable water filter kit that is simple to assemble, use, and clean. Our water filter purifies water from any source through a uniquely oversized and washable hollow fiber membrane. Regular cleaning requires no tools or disassembly, just swirl and dump – or Dance to Clean™.
“In areas where people have few interactions with machinery or computers, I observed a general fear of breaking the filters when they had to backwash-clean them, which resulted in the filters getting clogged and no longer working. Filters ... have the filter threads exposed, which made cleaning as easy as swishing water around. The result ... was fewer errors found during our monitoring visits, more water filtered, and more healthy children proudly displaying their remarkable rural strength in daily soccer matches.”